29th Annual Hawke’s Bay Wine Auction Lots Revealed
The Hawke’s Bay Wine Auction has revealed a diverse collection of lots with 41 lots to be auctioned at the 29th Annual Hawke’s Bay Wine Auction. Each year, wineries from within the region create specially crafted premium wines to be auctioned at the annual event in September. With one feature artist and a travel package in the mix, this year’s line-up is extremely impressive. Auction lots can be viewed on the Hawke’s Bay Wine Auction website.
“We’re excited to unveil the collection of wines offered for the 2020 Hawke’s Bay Wine Auction,” said General Manager, Elisha Milmine. “This event gives us the opportunity to showcase the quality and diversity of our wines and our world-class wine region and shine a spotlight on our renowned wine producers, all while raising much needed funds for Cranford Hospice.”
This year, look out for unique packages, from Radburnd Cellars, The Farm at Cape Kidnappers, Askerne, Alpha Domus, Black Barn, Bilancia, Bostock Wines, Bridge Pa Triangle Wine District, Brookfields, Church Road, Clearview Estate, Collaboration Wines, Crab Farm Winery, Craggy Range, Decibel Wines, de la terre, Elephant Hill, Esk Valley Estate, Gimblett Gravels Association, Hancock & Sons, Junction Wines, Lime Rock, Mission Estate Winery, Monowai Estate, Ngatarawa Wine, Paritua, Radburnd Cellars, Pask Winery, Sacred Hill, Sileni Estates, Smith & Sheth, Squawking Magpie Wines, Te Awa, Te Awanga Wine, Te Mata Estate, Tony Bish Wines, Trinity Hill Wines, Vidal, House of Travel Hastings & The Reef House, Tironui, Lawn Road Retreat & Easthope Family Winegrowers and Artist – Anna Jepson.
Hawke’s Bay Wine Auction, Chairperson and Owner, Winemaker of Radburnd Cellars – Kate Radburnd says: “I’m honoured to partner with so many of Hawke’s Bay’s premium wine producers to showcase the outstanding wines our region is creating!”
Auction lots went live on 18 June, they are available to view at hawkesbaywineauction.co.nz and will be showcased on Hawke’s Bay Wine Auction Facebook page between now and event time. Each auction lot has one image that will represent them, taken by the extremely skilled and creative photographer Florence Charvin. Preview tastings of Hawke’s Bay Wine Auction lots will be held on Wednesday, 19th August at the Pre-tasting Event and during the Hawke’s Bay Wine Auction on 19th September before the live auction begins.
Since 1991 when the first Hawke’s Bay Wine Auction was held, the generosity of participating wineries, local businesses, corporate partners, supporting bidders, and volunteers, has raised funds which have been solely gifted Cranford Hospice, these funds help Cranford care for patients and their families living in the Hawke’s Bay, each and every day. Supporting Cranford Hospice is the core charitable mission of the Hawke’s Bay Wine Auction, whose cumulative giving surpassed $3.6 million in 2019.
Hawke’s Bay Wine Auction tickets go on sale 1st July, numbers are limited and typically sell out. Tickets will be available at hawkesbaywineauction.co.nz
To follow update’s sign up at www.hawkesbaywineauction.co.nz or ‘like’ Hawke’s Bay Wine Auction, Facebook page.